One of the hardest things to do while going through is “Keep your head on straight.”
The enemy knows how to use our weaknesses against us. Therefore, be sure that you are fully healed from your previous heartache…
Make sure that your mind and emotions are clear enough to not make your new love suffer from old issues from your past relationships.
An unhealed heart will work you right out of a good thing.
I’m going to give you some solid, unsolicited advice:
Seek to strengthen your relationship with Christ.
Take the time to develop a personal relationship with Him first, if you don’t already have one. Ask God to block who isn’t and bless who is…
Ask Him to SHOW you the real person that you are getting to know. Now, brace yourself. God will reveal!
Here’s what I use to do and what I’ve witnessed over the past year….
Good potential mate…friend zoned.
Bad potential mate…gains privileges.
Please pay attention to those who care for your heart without looking for anything in return. Pay attention to the fact that they desire to help you in any way they can in hopes that you’ll see their genuine heart. They have no problem stepping up to the plate to fill the gap. They have zero issues with providing what you lack. They truly desire to help you because they view you as their friend/ potential mate. They may just want to marry you…
The irony is that you desire to be wed too, but this friend is either:
- Too nice to you
- Not particularly eye candy
- Not part of the “popular” crowd.
On the flip side….
Pay attention to the one that gives so that they can take later. Pay attention to the fact that if they lost you, they would be losing SOMETHING that comes along with you. Make sure you know that “that SOMETHING” is something that they desire to have more than the person. (this person would be ->YOU<- just for clarity).
You may also notice that there is a roller-coaster vibe attached this person. One day feels like heaven. One day feels like hell. You can’t quite put your finger on their place in your life. One day you feel important, the next day you feel like they don’t give a damn about you.
I’ve been there. I’ve overlooked the good one for the bad one. I’ve made excuses for the bad one, just to dismiss the good one upon the first misunderstanding we had. I’ve been there. I made the mistake of thinking lust was love. Until that “love” takes you for everything you have, you won’t learn. Take it from me…
Here is a fun fact:
God IS NOT a God of confusion.
A person is either for you fully or they aren’t at all. Make sure you pay attention & choose wisely.
If all else fails…
Choose YOUrself.
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