Alex is a mother. Alex is a daughter. Alex is a sister. Alex is a writer. Alex is a go-getter. Alex is a born hustler. Alex is a lover. Alex is a fighter. Alex is a realist. Alex is an optimist. Alex is a friend. Alex is a Christian. Alex is a sinner. Alex is naïve. Alex is discerning. Alex is a hopeless romantic. Alex is fearless.
I say that to say this: We as people can be more than one label, good or bad. Stop letting society put a label on YOU. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.
I used to fight this epidemic everyday. The fear of what people think of you can keep you from your dreams. The birth of my children woke me up to the fact that my future, that now includes them, rests on my shoulders. I realized that I am responsible for them and I, collectively. I have always been myself, but I would try to polish the surface a tad bit to better suit society around me.
My fear has never been fear of acceptance, however I was afraid of being misunderstood. I was afraid of being misinterpreted. I operate better off of the truth of a person, no matter how ugly it may be, therefore I am willing to give what I expect from a person.
This is what makes me naïve. You can’t just give 100% of the real you to someone who has the intention of giving you 0% of the real them. Be careful with your heart- you only get one. Don’t give it to everyone and don’t let it be abused.
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